Sugar as the ideal bio-feedstock for the chemical industry
IST Green Chemicals has advanced plans for a plant in Terneuzen in the Province of Zeeland…
“Saccharide offers opportunities for chemistry and agriculture”
Saccharides (sugars) are wonderful building blocks for the chemical industry. They are versatile molecules that can…
Biorizon forging ahead with bio-aromatics upscaling
With over 150 visitors, Biorizon Shared Research Centre’s annual event in Antwerp at the end of…
See allThe Northern Netherlands is aiming for a sweet future
In the middle of a sugar beet field in Groningen, the commissioners IJzebrand Rijzebol (Groningen, left)…
Suiker Unie chooses Bioextrax as the SIC 2020 winner
Suiker Unie has chosen Bioextrax as the winner of its challenge in the "green chemistry" category…
Commercial production of bio-aromatics is getting closer
Biorizon is on its way to the mission: the commercial production of bio-aromatics in 2025, said…
Miscanthus promising feedstock for lignocellulosic sugars and ethanol
Tests show that miscanthus, also known as elephant grass or China reed, proves itself as an…
Avantium awarded €6 million EU grant
Avantium N.V. announces that it has been awarded €6 million as part of a SPIRE grant…
First and second generation sugars for chemical industry equally sustainable
First generation fermentable sugars have an unjustifiably bad reputation as a feedstock for the chemical industry,…