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Marco Rupp

The bio-economy has all the ingredients

01 / 04 / 2022

The war in Ukraine has sharpened European leaders’ focus on finding the best way to build…


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Pipelines chemical industry

Dutch chemical industry under pressure

Dutch chemical production will fall by about 4% in 2022 as the sector suffers from high…

Editorial office / Amsterdam

Inaugural address of Egbert Dommerholt

Negative economic growth as an ideal

Our western economy is too dominant and revolves unilaterally around growth and profit. As a result,…

Editorial office / Groningen

Webinar Resource Recovery from Waste Water Treatment

Resource recovery from waste water treatment

After a successful first webinar on biofuels, the Living Lab Biobased Brazil organizes the 2nd online…

Editorial office / Brazil

Food waste

Model2Bio supports reuse of food industry waste streams

About 50% of the global waste is organic. At the European level, a solution is now…

Editorial office / Brussels

Cover detail CEO Guide to the Circular Bioeconomy released

CEO Guide to the Circular Bioeconomy released

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released the CEO Guide to the Circular Bioeconomy…

Editorial office / Geneva

Michael Carus

“Strategy needed for renewable carbon”

The biobased economy must become part of an overarching renewable carbon strategy. To make that possible,…

Editorial office / Hürth