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With 20 biobased circular projects, the process industry can achieve more than half of its climate goals in the Dutch Delta region, states CE Delft in a new research report commissioned by Circular Biobased Delta and supported by the provinces of North Brabant, Zeeland and South Holland.
Editorial office / Delft

CE Delft has drawn up a roadmap that provides insight into the effect on CO2 reduction of a portfolio of biobased circular projects from the 2020-2030 implementation agenda of Circular Biobased Delta. Most of these are projects of smaller innovative players, in various stages of development. Conclusion: realizing these biobased circular projects can save 5.4 million tons of CO2-eq per year. That is a substantial contribution to the national Dutch climate targets for 2030.

According to Jo-Annes de Bat, deputy of the province of Zeeland, the research makes the potential and importance of the project portfolio for the national climate objectives more tangible. “We can also drive new projects in a targeted manner so that the next target of 10 million tons of CO2 reduction by 2030 is achieved.”

Call for support

Willem Sederel, chairman of Circular Biobased Delta, presented the roadmap to the Top Sector Chemistry (ChemistryNL) this week. He called for support for the biobased-circular transition: “Entrepreneurs and companies in the circular biobased economy run into numerous barriers: financing, legislation and regulations, the social debate around biomass, sustainability framework (s) for biofuels and market demand for the most important. “

According to Sederel, the government can financially support upscaling, help improve the image of biobased raw materials, implement practical sustainability frameworks and adjust legislation and regulations. Sederel asked ChemistryNL to provide more knowledge, expertise, network and guidance to smaller, innovative entrepreneurs. There should also be more emphasis on circular biobased themes in the national knowledge and innovation agenda and within the trilateral agenda Netherlands-Flanders-North Rhine-Westphalia. ”

Economy of tomorrow

“By now committed to a sustainable green chemical sector in the south of the Netherlands, we are working on the economy of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow,” said Martijn van Gruijthuijsen, deputy of the province of Noord-Brabant. “In this way we maintain employment in these sectors and build a unique knowledge position for Europe and the world.”

Emmo Meijer, figurehead and chair of ChemistryNL, emphasized the importance of chemistry for society in general and for achieving the climate goals in particular: “The sector has committed itself to this through the 2050 Chemistry for Climate roadmap. The initiative of Circular Biobased Delta provides an innovative and impactful interpretation that should be followed in other regions. ”

The CE Delft report can be downloaded from the Circular Biobased Delta website.

Image: Hakinmhan/Shutterstock