The Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy points out that “new innovative techniques, including biotechnology and the development of bio-based products, may play a role in increasing sustainability (…) while bringing benefits for society as a whole.” Biotechnology and bio-based industries can help preserve biodiversity and increase agriculture sustainability, for example by reducing pollution and enhancing sustainable soil management. Innovative solutions and practices have been a contributing factor towards decreasing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions concurrently with increasing productivity, EuropaBio states.
“By embracing innovation and technology and following a solution-oriented and science-based approach, Europe can achieve both reducing its environmental footprint while maintaining – or even improving – agricultural productivity”, said Agnes Borg, Industrial Biotechnology Director of EuropaBio. “Biotechnology is a key part of tomorrow’s agricultural and environmental landscape. By ensuring a science-based, proportionate, and predictable regulatory approach to biotechnology innovation, including new genomic techniques, the EU would also contribute to ensuring that the best tools are available to help effectively realize the ambitious Green Deal objectives.”
Image: Ruud Morijn/Shutterstock