Splitting the event in a live and an online part make it possibe to offer live networking opportunities and a visit to the impressive LignoValue Pilot Plant, as well as in depth information about the current technological development of renewable aromatics with premium properties.
Major industrial players, small to medium‑sized enterprises, and research and technology organisations from all over the world will join Biorizon to discuss the latest progress in the field of bio-aromatics and to elaborate on opportunities to accelerate biobased business together. Over the past years, this event has evolved into a must-attend event for anyone who’s interested in renewable aromatics. Last edition attracted 305 participants from 28 countries.
What to expect from the Biorizon & LignoValue Event on 6 October:
- Bus visit to the impressive LignoValue Pilot Plant at VITO in Mol, Flanders.
- Live networking, pre-arranged if desired.
- Short presentations to formally launch the LignoValue Pilot Plant & a brief update by Biorizon.
What to expect from this year’s virtual annual event on 1 December:
- Short, interactive plenary presentations that feature the progress that Biorizon has made in the scaling up of the production of bio-aromatics with premium properties. Plus an impressive keynote speech (to be announced).
By popular demand, we maximized the opportunity to arrange virtual matchmaking sessions that can be scheduled as from now. Meet representatives of the entire bio-aromatic value chain from all over the world!
Image: Zeton/YouTube