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Catalisti is searching for industrial partners for the Tune2Bio consortium in all areas, except textile and food service ware. Tune2Bio is a research project that focuses on applications of which tuning the biodegradability of biopolymers to specific demands is required.
Editorial office / Brussels

The goal of the project is to research and test new formulations that meet the sustainability and biodegradability criteria for selected applications. The project will not research new monomers leading to biopolymers or biodegradability properties, but will rather research new formulations, inspired by existing biopolymers, by making innovative derivatives and combinations.

Both physical as well as chemical routes will be investigated, respectively blending polymers or synthesizing copolymers from established or emerging monomers, or modifying existing (natural) polymers. Finally adding biobased additives and fillers can tune the properties even further to the specific needs of the end application.

The industrial partners will be able to implement the use of these new formulation on a relatively short term in their selected applications, thus innovating their product portfolio and strengthening their competitive position and/or accessing new markets.

The project will make a significant contribution to the knowledge base on biobased and biodegradable polymers in Flanders (at knowledge institutions and companies) and will become an important part of the puzzle leading to a future Flemish circular economy.

To complete the consortium, Catalisti is searching for additional industrial partners. Extrusion and injection moulding processing techniques will both be investigated, especially parts with a thickness ranging between 0.1-1.0mm.