The European Tech4Biowaste project has finalised the backbone of a database of technologies for the valorisation of bio-waste. It currently contains basic information on both established and emerging technologies to turn food processing waste, organic household waste and garden waste into valuable products.
Now the hunt for technology providers, in other words the population of the database, begins. Bio-waste technology providers and their representatives are now in charge of filling the database with company profiles and technology-specific details. Only in this way can the database become richer and more relevant, also in the long term.
The goal is to have a completed and searchable database by the end of 2022, so technology seekers will find all the necessary information about technology providers and their conversion or treatment technology.
Meet the team
You can meet the Tech4Biowaste team online on 21 March from 11:00 a.m. onwards, when the database will be launched. Later that day and on a number of other days, technology providers can participate in coaching sessions to fill the database. The first three sessions are on Monday 21 March, Monday 4 April and Tuesday 19 April, starting at 14:00. Registration can be done via e-mail.
The team behind the Tech4Biowaste database will also be present at the international conference BIOKET (Lille, 15-17 March 2022), the Conference on Renewable Materials (Cologne, 10-12 May 2022) and the International Forum on Sustainable Economy (Munich, 27-28 June 2022).
Tech4Biowaste is a project of BTG Biomass Technology Group (the Netherlands, leader), Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (Belgium) and the Nova-Institute (Germany) and was realised with funding of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU).
Image: Fevziie/Shutterstock