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Turmeric is a well-known spice in oriental cuisine; it is mainly used in curry. But it is also a natural yellow colourant that can make bioplastics more sustainable.
Editorial office / Breda

Synthetic dyes for plastics (like cadmium) are often toxic and poorly degradable. Even if they were applied in bio-based or biodegradable plastics, harmful substances would remain behind. As a result, part of the waste plastics that would otherwise be easy to recycle or compost still ends up in the incinerator.

The Interreg Northwest Europe project CurCol wants to change this and is investigating the production and application of natural colourants based on turmeric (curcumine) in bioplastics and paper packaging. The Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (CoE BBE) is organising a webinar about it on Tuesday 20 April, with speakers from CoE BBE, Centexbel, DeltaQ and Rodenburg Biopolymers.

Check the agenda for more information.

Image: mirzamlk/Shutterstock