For investors, ChemSec maintains the ChemScore rankings of the world’s 35 largest chemical companies, their portfolio of hazardous products and their efforts to make them more sustainable. In this way, ChemScore wants to stimulate investments in safer and greener alternatives, thereby encouraging the chemical industry to green up.
More than 70% of all chemicals in Europe are dangerous to human health and/or the environment, says ChemSec. That is crucial information for investors. It is no coincidence that the market value of companies producing persistent chemicals such as PFAS has taken a nosedive in recent months. “By using ChemScore, investors can foresee such problems before they arise,” said Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.
ChemScore was developed with input from representatives of the chemical industry and Aviva Investors, a global asset manager with around € 400 billion in assets under management. In the rankings, companies are judged on four criteria: portfolio of dangerous products, development of safer chemicals, management / transparency and controversies (such as accidents, fines and liability cases).
Other Dutch companies in the rankings are Akzo Nobel in 3rd and LyondellBasell in 29th place. Belgian companies score in the rear, with Solvay in 28th and Umicore in 33rd place.
Image: Antoine2K / Shutterstock