Through 123 projects funded by BBI JU, 924 beneficiaries from 37 EU Member States and Associated Countries are laying the foundations for a green recovery of Europe. With funding worth €706 million, the vast majority of BBI JU projects are developing new sustainable biobased chemicals, materials and products with a lower environmental impact than their fossil-based alternatives. By using mostly organic waste and sidestreams from agrofood industry and forestry, leveraging investments and creating jobs in rural areas, these projects are paving the way for a truly circular economy in Europe.
BBI JU Executive Director Philippe Mengal commented on the occasion of the publication launch: ‘Our projects are developing a vibrant and sustainable bio-based economy in Europe. The high creation rates of skilled jobs, the leveraging of investments and collaboration links between academia and industry prove the success of the BBI JU model. Moreover, we have achieved this while contributing to the fight against climate change and protecting the environment. I can say with assurance that the bio-based industries can play an essential role in the green recovery of Europe.’
What are the positive impacts of BBI JU projects?
Environmental impacts
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: 84% of BBI JU projects will develop bio-based products with lower GHG emissions than their fossil-based counterparts.
Enhancing sustainability and circularity
75% of projects contribute to waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, while half of them reduce energy consumption and improve land use. While the traditional refineries use non-renewable fossil feedstock like oil, BBI JU biorefineries use mostly waste and by-products of different industries, ensuring circularity of resources.
Using sustainable sources
100% of projects process sustainable feedstock that comes from Europe.
Socio-economic impacts
- Boosting employment: 82% of BBI JU projects result in the creation of new skilled jobs, mainly in rural and coastal areas.
- Fostering collaboration: 80% report increased cooperation between the different actors along the entire value chain, for instance between academia and the industry.
Leveraging investments
BBI JU projects mobilise investments from the private sector, thus benefitting SMEs, universities, research centres, and companies from all over Europe. For €195 million of BBI JU funding to the first nine flagship projects, the industry’s contribution is €1.2 billion.
Read the full publication on the BBI JU website.
Image: Elle_K/Shutterstock