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Pilots4U, a BBI-JU funded CSA project, ends in August 2019. During the Final Event, achievements will be demonstrated and the future of the network will be discussed.

Pilots4U has set up an easily accessible database of open access pilot and multipurpose demonstration infrastructures for the European bio-economy. The database can be searched, free of charge, to find the best fitting test facility for scale-up of innovative processes to pilot and demo scale. The Pilots4U database already contains 443 asset entries from 82 organisations in 20 countries and is growing week by week.

On the one hand, this ‘final event’ will demonstrate the database and how the network will continue. On the other hand, it will communicate policy recommendation resulting from the thorough analysis of available (and missing) scale-up and demo infrastructures in Europe. This will be done in close collaboration with other initiatives with similar/overlapping aims and recommendations, such as the SmartPilots and ERIFORE networks, the Vanguard Initiative, the Interregional Partnership for Bioeconomy, and Interreg ‘Component 5’.

Target audiences of this event are Directorates General of the European Commission with a focus on innovation, bio-economy, environment, economic growth, SMEs and interregional cooperation; pilot facilities; regional authorities, organisations supporting the Pilots4U network; relevant European technology platforms; national contact points; the Vanguard Initiative; etc.

The event is set up in cooperation with SmartPilots, ERIFORE, Vanguard Initiative, Interregional Partnership for Bioeconomy (EWI), and Interreg-V.

Registration is free of charge but mandatory.