The Bioeconomy Pilot in Vanguard aims at supporting the deployment of high TRL technologies, through the setting up of transregional value chains in an industry-driven process, where public support comes into play to help bridging the valley of death. The pilot aims at identifying critical challenges beyond the capabilities of a single region to team up skills, energies and resources that can make a difference in market terms.
Seven demo cases are currently under development, with a wide spectrum of approaches and topics, from large scale investment to extended networking of smaller infrastructures. All demo cases have been working in order either to shape their ideas into a Vanguard- compatible approach or to condense different approaches in a single, common project. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Biobased Industry Consortium, representing the private side of the Bio Based Industry Joint Technology Initiative, has been signed to develop common activities and the pilot has been positioned in order to take full advantage of different EC initiatives via both the Industrial Modernization platform and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Register for the webinar ‘Creating impact with biobased democases’ to get access the Microsoft Teams session.
Image: Sebastian Duda/Shutterstock