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After 2 year of Covid-restrictions the 9th Circular Biobased Performance Materials Symposium will take place in Wageningen, the Netherlands, on Thursday 16 June 2022. This edition focuses on the topic ‘From biorefineries to biobased Chemicals and Materials’.

At this annual symposium organised by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, we will look closely at the latest market trends and developments. Key industry players from the entire value chain, ranging from agrifood to materials processing companies, end application producers and users, will reflect on their R&D strategies. 

Sjoukje Heimovaara (currently director of Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group (AFSG), but soon to be new chair of the WUR board) will open the symposium. Subsequently, Jan Noordegraaf, independent advisor and board member of NRK (Dutch Rubber and Plastics Industry) kicks off with a keynote speech on establishing an unbiased monetary comparison for the actual costs of the most commonly used oil-based polymers and biopolymers.

The detailed final programme can be found via the link below.  After ending of the symposium there will be the opportunity to visit our facilities on campus.

Image: WUR