Agro&Chemistry July 2021
In this issue: Pharmaceuticals | Climate Goals | Chain of Custody | BISC-E
Bioplastics production offers opportunities for pharmaceutical applications
The search for the ultimate alternative for traditional plastics has been going on for many years.…
Chemical industry in the north of the Netherlands leads in climate transition
Rising temperatures on earth are causing worldwide dehydration and flooding, forest fires, landslides and changes in…
“If one link does not function, the chain falls apart”
As the use of bio-based raw materials for chemicals, materials and energy increases, it becomes increasingly…
BISC-E stimulates biobased entrepreneurship among students
Some invent grand theoretical concepts, such as cultivating seaweed around offshore wind parks to produce biogas.…
Agro&Chemistry July 2021
In this issue: Pharmaceuticals | Climate Goals | Chain of Custody | BISC-E
Bioplastics production offers opportunities for pharmaceutical applications
The search for the ultimate alternative for traditional plastics has been going on for many years.…
Chemical industry in the north of the Netherlands leads in climate transition
Rising temperatures on earth are causing worldwide dehydration and flooding, forest fires, landslides and changes in…
“If one link does not function, the chain falls apart”
As the use of bio-based raw materials for chemicals, materials and energy increases, it becomes increasingly…
BISC-E stimulates biobased entrepreneurship among students
Some invent grand theoretical concepts, such as cultivating seaweed around offshore wind parks to produce biogas.…