The Platform Bio-Economy (PBE) is an organisation that wants to contribute to the transition from a fossil-based to a fully renewable and sustainable low-CO2 society, in which product chains are as circular and bio-based as possible.

In such a society, carbon does not come from oil or coal, but from renewable biological sources. High-quality processing of these so-called bio-based raw materials is a central focus for us. We look at sustainability in the entire value chain, from the supply and trade of biomass to the extraction of the raw materials and final application.


The fullest possible utilisation ensures that nothing is wasted. This is possible by means of cascading: first of all, biorefinery extracts the most valuable components. Examples are pharmaceuticals, food or special chemicals. Certain parts of the bio-based raw materials are more suitable for use as building materials or base chemicals, for example. The remaining parts are used to generate heat, electricity or the production of biofuels.

Point of contact

PBE brings the interests of the bio-based sector in all its facets to the attention of policymakers and politicians and acts as a point of contact. PBE also informs actively and neutrally about the bio-based sector, for example via the website This educational website presents factual information about bio-based raw materials in an easily accessible manner to a wide audience.


About 20 companies and organisations are members of the PBE. They are active in the production, supply and processing of bio-based raw materials for food, chemicals, materials, energy, transport and in logistics, infrastructure and other services. PBE also cooperates intensively with other organisations, such as the NVDE, sector organisations in the bio-energy sector and provides work for the RVO.

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