At the end of 2021, there was an installed manufacturing capacity of about 48 kt/annum up and running, based on the information from the companies described in the report. Capacity expansions have been announced and there are numerous plants under construction. Together, the manufacturers aim for a manufacturing capacity of about 570 kt/annum by 2027.
Natural PHAs exist in nature for over millions of years. These materials are both bio-based and biodegradable, similar to other natural materials such as cellulose, proteins and starch. They are produced by an extensive variety of microorganisms through bacterial fermentation. Due to its high performance, biocompatibility, biodegradability and green credentials, the PHA family has a large design space and accommodates a wide range of market applications, as a broad variety of different polymers can be produced and blended. The potential of PHAs is enormous.
More information can be found on the website of the nova Institute.
Image: Arsenii Palivoda/Shutterstock