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The Dutch start-up ecosystem is among the best in Europe, but performs below average in the scale-up phase, according to a new study by McKinsey & Company.
Editorial office / Amsterdam

McKinsey finds that the Netherlands has become one of Europe’s leading breeding grounds for innovation and entrepreneurship in recent decades. As many as 12% of Dutch people between 18 and 64 are entrepreneurs. For every million inhabitants, 564 startups were founded last year, good for fifth place in the EU. In terms of value creation, we rank fourth within Europe.

McKinsey predicts that startups founded between 2022 and 2030 could generate a market capitalisation of an estimated €250 billion to €400 billion. That amounts to 30 to 45 per cent of the market capitalisation of the current AEX. It could also create 165,000 to 250,000 new jobs.

The strategy office advocates further strengthening the ecosystem, as it holds enormous economic potential as well as the opportunity to take a leading role in meeting the major challenges of the near future.

For more information, visit McKinsey’s website

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