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The European Parliament has reached an informal agreement with member states on the EU Climate Law. The new law transforms political promises that the EU will become climate neutral by 2050 into a binding obligation, and gives European citizens and businesses the legal certainty and predictability they need to plan for the transition to climate neutrality. After 2050, the EU shall aim to achieve negative emissions.
Editorial office / Brussels

The new EU Climate Law increases the EU’s 2030 emissions reductions target from 40 % to at least 55 % compared to 1990 levels.It recognises that already emitted GHG will need to be removed to compensate for GHG emitted from sectors where decarbonisation is most challenging.

Given the importance of independent scientific advice, an independent scientific body will be set up to assess whether policy is consistent and to monitor progress, as suggested by Parliament. The Advisory Board will consist of 15 scientific experts appointed for four years.


The Commission will also facilitate sector-specific climate dialogues and partnerships by bringing together key stakeholders to encourage sectors to draw up roadmaps towards climate neutrality.

The deal will now be put to the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee and plenary for approval as well as to the Council. The Regulation will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal.

Image: Dmitry Demidovich/Shutterstock