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At the BIOMEDICA summit in Eindhoven AMIBM (Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials) was awarded the Ralf Raue Innovation Award for Life Sciences 2017.
Editorial office / Eindhoven

AMIBM follows the spirit of Ralf Raue with regard to bringing people, knowledge and infrastructure of the EUREGION together on the social relevant topic of biomedical engineering. By training young people into excellent professionals for academia and industry and stimulating the collaboration between academia and industry by building-up a sustainable cross-border institute located in the industrial environment of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.

The Ralf Raue Innovation Award for Life Sciences

The BIOMEDICA foundation stimulates collaboration between life sciences and business. As a much appreciated board member, Dr. Ralf Raue previously dedicated much of his time to stimulate cross-border innovation between Euregional partners. The Dr. Ralf Raue Innovation Award for Life Sciences hopes to further encourage life science collaboration in our Euregion.

For more information see website AMIBM.