10.00h | Registration, coffee/tea |
10.30h | Welcome by prof. dr. Gert Jan Euverink (CCC) |
10.45h | Prof. dr. Iris Sommer – UMCG. Nutritional Psychiatry; an apple a day keeps the psychiatrist away? |
11.25h | Dr. ir. Sonja de Vries – CCC PhD 2014 – WUR Animal Nutrition. Insights in passage and degradation kinetics of carbohydrates in the digestive tract of pigs. |
11.45h | Dr. Lingmin Tian – CCC PhD 2016 – Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. Interactions between pectin and other dietary components: Effects on fermentation patterns. |
12.05h | Poster pitches |
12.15h | Poster session and networking |
13.00h | Lunch break |
14.00h | Marian Geluk – Executive Director, Next Food Collective. Introducing Next Food Collective. |
14.20h | Prof. dr. Bjørn E. Christensen – Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Alginates : structure, properties and novel applications. |
15.00h | Poster pitches |
15.10h | Poster session and networking |
16.00h | Dr. Neha Sahasrabudhe – CCC PhD 2016 – Delft University of Technology |
16.20h | Rudy Rabbinge hands over the best poster award. |
16.35h | Closing Remarks prof. dr. Henk Schols (CCC) |
16.45h | Drinks |
Participation is free, but registration is required.
Image: CCC