This year’s Biorizon Annual Event is split into a live and a virtual part, allowing for live networking opportunities and a visit to the impressive LignoValue Pilot Plant (on 6 October), as well as in-depth information on the current technological development of renewable aromatics with premium properties.
Large industrial players, small to medium-sized enterprises and research and technology organisations from all over the world will come together with Biorizon to discuss the latest advances in the field of bio-aromatics and to deepen their understanding of the opportunities to accelerate the biobased business together. In recent years, this event has become a must for anyone interested in renewable aromatics. The previous edition attracted 305 participants from 28 countries.
What can you expect this year from the virtual annual event on 1 December?
- Short, interactive plenary presentations covering Biorizon’s progress in scaling up the production of bio-aromatics with premium properties.
- An impressive keynote speech (to be announced).
By popular demand, we have maximised the opportunity to organise virtual matchmaking sessions which can be scheduled from now on. Meet representatives of the entire bio-aromatics value chain from all over the world.
Visit one of the events, or both. You can register via the link below.
Image: Biorizon