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The Federation Bio-Economy Netherlands (FBN) calls upon the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) to develop a biobased raw materials policy. In particular, this should include an exit strategy for the phasing out of fossil raw materials.
Editorial office / The Hague

FBN made this call in a letter presenting the new Bioeconomic Micro-Economy Outlook that appeared in February. The objective of the study is to identify the success and failure factors of entrepreneurs who work with bio-based raw materials. The report concludes that it is difficult for them to compete against the dominance of fossil fuels. As a result, they often have difficulty making their business model work.


According to FBN, it is necessary to amend legislation and regulations in order to facilitate the admission of new sustainable raw materials. To further develop the market for bio-based products, a kind of ‘bio-based blending obligation’ must be introduced, certainly for the construction and packaging industries.

In addition, FBN wants biobased entrepreneurs to be relieved by setting up an authority that regulates certification and sustainability assessment and can discuss the sustainability of biobased materials.

The Micro-economic Exploration of the Bio-Economy was carried out on the initiative of the Federation Bio-Economy Netherlands in collaboration with Ton Voncken of Bio Transition Consultants and with the support of the Ministry of LNV. For this report, input was collected from 66 entrepreneurs and 14 organisations.

The full report can be downloaded from the FBN website (Dutch).

Image: Mark Agnor/Shutterstock