
Wood chips biomass

BTG launched new Bio2Match tool

BTG has launched a new Bio2Match tool that matches biomass crops with suitable conversion technologies. The…

Editorial office / Enschede

Sugar cane field

Brazilian-Dutch call for sustainable biomass production

Consortia of research institutes and other organisations in the Netherlands and Brazil can now apply for…

Editorial office / The Hague

Agriculture uses more diesel for mechanical weeds control

Variable biofuel production improves food security

Variable biofuel production can improve food security. That is one of the conclusions of an international…

Editorial office / Wageningen

Green planet

Circular bioeconomy should focus on sustainable wellbeing

Leading representatives from science, investors and industry, including The Club of Rome, presented a new 10…

Editorial office / London

Windmill in rural landscape

Biomass takes up 1,000x more space than fossil energy

The production of electric power from biomass takes up the most space of all energy sources…

Editorial office / Leiden