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Making the industry in the Netherlands more sustainable will be a tailor-made process. By the end of 2023, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) wants to have reached agreements in principle on emission reductions with the 20 largest industrial emitters in the Netherlands.
Editorial office / Amersfoort

EZK will first start with an inventory based on the Carbon Transition Model of the Institute for Process Technology (ISPT). “The business community can now use its expertise to indicate which interventions are possible and which are not. The government can calculate in a proper value-free manner which interventions will lead to CO2 reduction in the chain”, says ISPT director Tjeerd Jongsma: “This approach leads to a better balance between responsibility in government and in industry. With the Carbon Transition Model – for calculating CO2 output – we can contribute to a good, substantive dialogue.”

ISPT developed the Carbon Transition Model with industry and NGOs. This model maps out the raw material, energy and emission flows for carbon-intensive companies and predicts how these flows will change under different options to achieve sustainability. In this way, it becomes clear what the CO2 output in the chain is and whether intervention across the chain contributes to CO2 reduction. According to Jongsma, this makes it possible to conduct a balanced industrial policy.

More information can be found on the ISPT website.

Image: pmvfoto/Shutterstock