The Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BIC) presents a comprehensive overview of financial instruments. The report, titled ‘Access to EU financial instruments suitable for the implementation of large bio-based industry investments’, is a practical guide for anyone looking to invest in the bio-economy.
One of the key elements of the paper is that companies can profit from the synergy between various financial instruments by tapping into several funds.
Funding gaps
In May 2017, a report commissioned by the EIB (European Investment Bank) highlighted funding gaps that are slowing down bio-based projects, especially in the pilot-to-demo-stage and the final up scaling to industrial facilities. A number of risk factors, such as market demand, technology and EU or national regulation, are hampering private investments that are needed to match public funding.
Furthermore, both companies and investors are not aware of all the public funding opportunities that could be at their disposal. The EIB states that it is important to raise awareness within the industry of the specific funding tools which are already in place, such as InnovFin and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).
The EIB and the European Commission have stated that they will commit themselves stronger to facilitate the establishment of a competitive European bio-based/circular economy. An important aspect of this commitment will be the co-financing of bio-based projects that are able to contribute to economic growth, (high-level) employment and make Europe less dependent of fossil feed stocks.
Dirk Carrez, Executive Director of the BIC, states: ‘The bio-based economy is still seen as today as a risky business, so you need grants, loans and guarantees and other forms of financial support to keep investments here in Europe.’