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To help promising start-ups and ambitious growth companies from home and abroad scale-up their sustainable chemistry innovations to an industrial scale. That is the objective of BlueChem, which will open its doors in 2020 at the climate-neutral business park Blue Gate Antwerp.
Editorial office / Antwerp

BlueChem is the first incubator in Belgium to focus specifically on innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable chemistry, such as the valorization of waste and by-products, process optimization and the development of renewable chemicals and sustainable products.

In the chemical sector, it is not always evident to make promising innovations into new businesses. It takes a lot of time, courage and money to move from a lab setting to an industrial production scale.

Access to knowledge

BlueChem offers an answer to this through customized infrastructure, customized services with financial support and direct access to knowledge and expertise within an extensive network of international chemical companies, renowned research centers and the five Flemish universities.

In BlueChem, the government, industry and knowledge institutions work together on the ambition to guarantee and strengthen the future of the economically important chemical sector in Flanders. The investment is supported 50/50 by private and public partners.

The private partners are Bopro (BSI), DEME (DEC) and essenscia, the public partners AG Vespa, PMV, Provincial Development Agency Antwerp (POM), City of Antwerp and the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO). The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.