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As part of the ReSolve project, a workshop with stakeholders is planned as a pre-conference event at EFIB-2019, on September 30, 2019, in Brussels.

The ReSolve project, funded by the EU under the umbrella of the BBI JU, aims to replace the dangerous conventional solvents toluene and NMP with biobased alternatives that are safer.

During the stakeholder workshop, the project partners will discuss the results and challenges to date. All workshop participants can participate in the welcome reception of EFIB 2019 afterwards.

The workshop is free, but there is limited space, so registering in advance is necessary.

13:00 Lunch and registration
14:00 Session 1: Safer solvent substitution: Integral assessment of safety and sustainability by Petra Hogervorst (RIVM, the Netherlands); Commercial introduction of novel green solvents to the global scientific community, by Jane Murray (Merck KgaA, Germany).
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Session 2: ReSolve project results so far: Introduction and highlights, by James Clark (University of York, UK); An integrated testing strategy to evaluate toxicological safety issues of candidate solvents, by Barbara van Vugt-Lussenburg (BioDetection Systems, the Netherlands); Safer and high performing bio-based alternatives to NMP, by Fabien Deswarte (Circa Sustainable Chemicals, UK); TEE and LCA of the most promising NMP and Toluene alternatives, by Ángel Puente (nova-Institut, Germany), with dr. Deswarte and dr. Byrne); Safer and high performing bio-based alternatives to toluene, by Fergal Byrne (University of York, UK).
14:58 Session 3: Feedback and discussion session: Challenges of solvent substitution and bringing new solvents to market.
18:00 Wrap-up
18:30 EFIB 2019 pre-conference reception