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On 29 April 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 CET Interreg Europe is organising a webinar on ‘Jobs and skills for the energy transition’.

The aim of this webinar is to put the spotlight on the great job creation and skill development potential of energy efficiency and renewables. Directing investments and reforms towards these areas will be fundamental to trigger green transformations and the recovery of the European economy.

At the same time, it will ensure that employment rates are improved in the regions, where policymakers are called to implement reskilling initiatives for current workers and design education and training paths for the next generation to fully enable energy transition.

The webinar will highlight training solutions to guarantee that energy skills are improved across the board and along all value chains. Only an overarching approach on training can enable the upskilling and reskilling of all workers, blue- and white-collars alike, as well as the emergence of new jobs at regional level. Also, the recommendations of the recently published policy brief on ‘Skills for the Energy Transition’ will be discussed..


Velimir Šegon from the North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency will speak about the CROSKILLS project to strengthen energy efficiency skills and certification schemes of construction workers (BUILD2LC);

Ruth Borrego Andrade from the Andalusian Energy Agency and Laura Ramos de Blas from non-profit company ECOOO will illustrate a training scheme for solar photovoltaic installers designed for people at risk of social exclusion (POWERTY)

Nathalie Richet from the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers(EUREC) will talk about their master programmes in renewable energy and sustainable energy system management.

In order to register for this webinar, you need to have an Interreg Europe online account. If you are not a member of the Interreg Europe community, then please create an account.

Image: Gustavo Fring/Pexels