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On 27 May, the Nordic countries and the Netherlands will host the first joint roundtable on leading and accelerating the transition to a Circular Bio-Economy 2.0. This event will bring together a select group of Nordic and Dutch business leaders and frontrunners with four key EU decision makers and Members of the European Parliament.

Both the Nordics (Denmark including Faroe Islands and Greenland, Finland including Åland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden) and The Netherlands have historically enjoyed very close biocircular business and investment relations and can learn from each other’s successes, challenges and experiences, while at the same time collaborating more intensively and co-ordinated on European and international levels.

As frontrunners, the Nordic region and The Netherlands have excellent qualifications and are well placed to take a united and leading position in the transformation to a biocircular economy 2.0, both in the EU and globally.

The Nordic-Netherlands Roundtable is co-hosted by:

  • Business Finland, represented by our guest of honour and co-host Nina Kopola, Director General and CEO
  • Circular Biobased Delta, represented by Willem Sederel, Chairman
  • Holland Circular Hotspot, represented by Freek van Eijk, Director, who also serves as the Vice Chair, Circular Biobased Delta and as a member of the Coordination Group, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)
  • Nordic Circular Hotspot, represented by Peter Michel Heilmann, Managing Partner.

Image: Smelov/Shutterstock