The conference is organised within the project “Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams – EXCornsEED” (2018-2021), a Bio-based Industries Research and Innovation action funded by BBI JU.
The EXCornsEED project aims to exploit the convergence between science, chemistry, biology, engineering and biotechnology tools for the creation of new knowledge and innovative applications to develop and validate an integrated process of innovative and highly sustainable extraction, purification and concentration technologies to be applied to biorefineries side streams.
The objectives are the recovery of proteins and several other bio-active compounds and the preparation of these as ingredients for food, specialty chemicals and cosmetics markets.
In this conference, we will present the progress achieved so far in the project and we invite other scientists and industry representatives active in this field to share their results with us. Please register as a speaker and/or participant.