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The 31st European Biomassa Conference and Expo (EUBCE) will be an in-person event, to be held in Bologna, from 5 to 8 June 2023.

EUBCE 2023 will be the scientific & industry-focused conference with an exhibition, with hosted events and side sessions where you will meet colleagues, friends and new personalities. Some of the interactive features that were introduced in the online-platforms of the past years will be kept, to give young researchers from abroad an opportunity to become also part of the EUBCE community.

The programme will be with certainty influenced by the current European energy situation, including the challenges of current and future hot and dry conditions the European Bioenergy industries is facing.

EUBCE will be organised by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies. The Technical Programme will be coordinated by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). The Industry Track will be coordinated by the Circular Biobased Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU).