CCU is one essential pillar for the supply of renewable carbon besides biomass and recycling and therefore one of the key technologies for the transition to sustainable chemical and fuel production and to substitute fossil feedstock sources, to fight climate change and to shift towards climate-friendly production and consumption.
For providing the full benefits of CCU technologies the use of renewable energy and hydrogen is indispensable and a crucial for the production of CO2-based transportation and aviation fuels, bulk and fine chemicals. At our conference you will get the chance to meet pioneers and forerunners together with stakeholders from big companies, start-ups and research.
The first day will focus on green hydrogen production, carbon capture and CO2-based transport and aviation fuels, the second especially on mineralisation and CO2-based bulk and fine chemicals. CCU technologies are essential to meet the future demand for carbon from renewable sources. Take a look into the near future and exchange ideas with the leading pioneers.
See the conference website for details.
Image: Francesco Scatena/Shutterstock