The car, known as ‘LINA’, is a four-seat electric vehicle, which weighs only 310 kg. This makes it extremely energy efficient.
LINA was designed by the TU/ecomotive team, comprised of 21 students from the University of Technology in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The design was unveiled in May 2017.
The TU-team produced the entire chassis, body and interior of the car using a combination of bio-based composites and bio-based plastics. The bio-plastic, also known as PLA, is used in honeycomb structure as a core material and is made entirely from sugar beets. Bio-composite plates made on the basis of flax are placed around this. The bio-composite is comparable in terms of strength / weight ratio with the well-known glass fiber but then manufactured in a sustainable manner. The bodywork is also based on flax.
SABIC, a global leader in diversified chemicals, sponsored the project and supplied expertise and materials.