Currently, fossil resources, including coal and natural gas are used to produce syngas: a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (Hâ‚‚). It is an indispensable feed gas in the chemical industry and can be transformed into valuable products, such as fuels, methanol, and olefins. Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) is an oxygen anion-based solid oxide technology utilizing COâ‚‚ as a feedstock to produce syngas with a versatile CO/Hâ‚‚ range.
The ESSSC initiative aims to demonstrate the production of syngas from blast furnace gas by employing SOEC technology. A pilot SOEC system will be developed, including a 30 kW electrolyzer capable of processing 10 tonnes of COâ‚‚ per month and converting it into syngas.
To further expand the project’s impact, the consortium is actively seeking a strategic partnership with a chemical company keen on incorporating electrical syngas as a feedstock. Additionally, the consortium is seeking companies with significant COâ‚‚ emissions that are interested in implementing the SOEC technology. The project presents an exceptional opportunity to collaborate with the industrial (VIRECA and ArcelorMittal) and academic partners (UGent).
See the Catalisti website for details and conditions.
Image: Nordroden/Shutterstock