In the Steel2Chemicals project, the three companies are working with the University of Ghent, TNO and the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) to develop a closed value chain in which carbon monoxide (CO) from residual gases in steel production is used as a raw material in the chemical industry. To test this in practice, Zeton has built a CO conversion pilot plant with a 12-metre long tubular reactor.
The University of Ghent is investigating whether the product from the pilot plant actually meets expectations and can be used as a raw material for Dow’s steam crackers. TNO is also developing a method to remove the nitrogen from the blast furnace gas. If the pilot project proves successful and economically viable, the possibility of a demonstration plant on a larger scale will be examined.
Together, ArcelorMittal, Dow Benelux and Tata Steel emit over 20 million tonnes of CO2 per year. They are therefore in a position to make a significant contribution to the emission reduction targets of the Netherlands, Belgium and the EU. The Steel2Chemicals project will run until 2023.
Image: ISPT/YouTube