This became apparent during the opening speech at the EFIB 2016, the European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology, in Glasgow. Joanna Dupont-Inglis, director of EuropaBio, began her address with a reference to Glasgow, a city built on coal and steel. In the 21st century, however, the city and its surrounding areas are more geared towards new technologies. And rightfully so, relatively new technologies, such as industrial biotech, are far more likely to grow and prosper than the ‘old’ economy. According to figures, provided by Europabio, this sector currently adds 31,6 billion euro to the European economy. In 2030, this figure will be doubled or even tripled (almost), providing work for a highly-qualified work force between 900.000 and 1.5 billion people.
News / 19/10/2016
Industrial biotech: gateway to growth
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