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Together with scientists and companies, the province of Zuid-Holland maps opportunities and bottlenecks of the circular economy within the ACCEZ program: 'Accelerating Circular Economy Zuid-Holland'. Change is needed to arrive at a truly circular approach to raw materials, energy and products. Such as the 'hassle' of governments regarding the use of waste.
Harm Ikink / Netherlands

Companies such as Topsurf and Wagro are active in the Dutch ‘Groene Hart’ region, using organic residual flows. But laws and regulations are not fully geared to this. Managing Director Wim Lexmond of Wagro finds it ‘unfortunate’ that it requires a lot of effort to have the circular products of his company accepted. “This has to change if we really want to innovate and create a circular economy.” ACCEZ project leader Roelof Kooistra of the ‘transition effort circular Groene Hart’ recognizes the issue: “We will make recommendations on how this can be done much better.”