The AWP 2019 confirms the focus on better integrating biomass feedstock suppliers at the front end of the value chain, creating a demand for biomass feedstock from biorefining processes. Similarly, the AWP will stimulate the building of partnerships with end market actors to create a ‘market pull’ for bio-based products for identified applications.
The scientific priorities of BBI JU in 2019 are based on a priority memorandum 2019-2020 that was set up by the Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BIC) in collaboration with the European Commission:
- foster the supply of sustainable biomass feedstock to feed both existing and new value chains;
- optimise efficient processing for integrated biorefineries through research, development and innovation;
- develop innovative bio-based products for identified market applications;
- create and accelerate the market-uptake of bio-based products and applications.
Budget 2019 Call
In 2019 the call has an indicative budget of EUR 135 million for a total of 21 topics, with 10 research and innovation action topics, 4 supporting actions, 4 demonstration projects and 3 flagship projects.
The interim evaluation report of BBI JU performed by the EC with the support of independent experts highlighted the positive impact of the programme on the structuring effect for the European Bio-based Industries sector, the high level of SME participation, the openness of the calls for proposals and underlined the actions favouring a widened participation. An action plan published in July 2018 addresses all recommendations from the experts including the promotion of the widening participation strategy, the further development of synergies and complementarities with other initiatives, the fine-tuning and monitoring of KPIs and socio-economic and environmental impact of the projects.
Analyzing impact
Another priority for 2019 will be to analyse and communicate the impact and the added value of the BBI JU iPPP and its project portfolio to a wide audience of stakeholders. To do so, the BBI JU will undertake more detailed analyses and studies about the socio-economic and environmental impact of BBI JU projects and demonstrate the added value of the initiative. Results and achievements of completed BBI JU’s projects will be widely communicated with a specific focus on the scientific advancements and to the market uptake potential.
This communication will be supported by specific tools and campaigns (including events) to communicate the added value of BBI initiative in the daily lives of EU citizens, as specifically requested by several EU institutions. And finally, in December 2019 BBI JU will organise the second BBI JU Stakeholder Forum keeping the successful format of 2017 with a specific focus on output, impact and benefits for the EU citizens.