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Sugar beets are today recognized as a very attractive crop for making the transition to a biobased economy. Current R&D projects show that sugar beets are an economically feasible biobased material.

DSD with support of its partners, such as ACRRES, developed a new concept: Direct Processing of sugar beets with Betaprocess. This development is financially supported by subsidies (DEI and TKI BBEGR) from RVO (Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs). This seminar is organised to present to you the potential of Direct Processing with Betaprocess.

Additionally, we will show the potential use for sugars from sugar beet as a building block in industry. Furthermore, we aim to show that the use of sugar beet will be important for achieving the climate goals, due to its positive effects (CO2 / Greenhouse Gas Reduction / ILUC) and as a renewable replacement for fossil products.

Participation is free but registration is obligated. Please register before 28th June.

14:00 Registration with coffee and tea
14:30 Welcome and Presentation ACRRES | Herman Schoorlemmer (Wageningen University & Research | Field crops)
14:50 From CHEMBEET via In Nije DEI to Biethanol | Hans van Klink (Dutch Sustainable Development)
15:10 Sustainability of the sugar beet | Lara Dammer (Nova Institute)
15:30 Sugar from sugar beets as a building block for the chemical industry | Willem Sederel (BioBased Delta)
15:50 Pause
16:15 The necessary context for low-carbon transport and chemistry | finding sustainable feedstocks, technology and policy | Eric van der Heuvel (Platform Biobrandstoffen)
16:35 Optimizing crop rotation using sugar beets | Hans Langeveld (Biomass Research)
16:55 The future of sugar beet cultivation in the EU | Alexander Krick or Elisabeth Lacoste | (CIBE)
17:15 Potential for bioethanol (from sugar beet) as raw material for ethylene | Paul Langston (TechnipFMC)
17:35 Panel discussion
18:00 Network drinks