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Agro&Chemistry has signed a new partnership this month with the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC).
Editorial office / Netherlands

The BIC is a conglomerate of roughly 70 companies and 150 research institutions. BIC together with the EU are funding the BBI JU: up until 2020 1 billion euro will be funded by the EC to which the industry will add 2.7 billion euro. The partnership mobilizes investment in innovative facilities and processes that manufacture high-quality biobased products as well as in biorefining research and demonstration projects.

Dirk Carrez, Director of the BioBased Industries Consortium, says: ‘We have signed a partnership with Agro and Chemistry because we need more visibility, not only for the activities of the consortium itself, but also for those of its members and for the most innovative funded projects. Thus, we hope to inspire companies that are not yet active in the biobased economy to move in the right direction in the process, and to recruit more members. It certainly helps that the focus of Agro&Chemistry, which originally was almost exclusively aimed at the Netherlands, has become much wider through the appearance of the English-language edition. Thanks to this international edition, I expect that the magazine will gain more prominence throughout Western Europe. We are happy to contribute to that.’