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The Dutch MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij organized an exhibition of appealing EU-funded projects in Brussels. Among these was the BIO-HArT project that develops industrial processes for the production of aromatics from biomass. Senior Business Developer Monique Wekking from TNO seized the opportunity to draw attention to the challenges of biobased chemical innovation.
Harm Ikink / Brussels

Van Nistelrooij: “Many people have seen these EU roadside signs which say ‘this bridge is co-financed by the European Union’ or stuff like that. But in many research projects, including those in bio-based materials, the relevance of EU support is not on display.” Van Nistelrooij wants to change that with his ‘Let the Stars Shine’ initiative where he showcases appealing projects, together with eight of his colleagues. For Monique Wekking of TNO, the selection of BIO-HArT is the recognition that the project is of interest to the EU. Wekking argued that EU policy is decisive for the success of projects such as BIO-HArT. She advocated a level playing field in funding options, and CO2 pricing.